Oracle Inventory Functional

Oracle Applications Documentation AIM Methodology

Oracle Applications – Documentations – Using AIM or Tailored AIM Methodology

here i am giving brief intro, in next article you can find much details information on AIM documents and reference

Not all companies are using the same AIM instead they are using their own giving different names but the formats of all the documents are more or less same. Each stage is having set of documents.

First Stage: Analysis

Second Stage: Designing

Third Stage: Build – DEMO / PROTO TYPE

Fourth Stage : Testing

Fifth Stage : Go Live

Six Stage : Post Production

Various documents for different scope and criterias such as




Below some brief on mostly used document types

BR Documents : Business Requirement Documents, which is primafaciely done by the Functional Persons of the Implementation Team like Funtional Project Leads / Managers. These documents are the Set up Documents, which is 100% based on the BR 120 – Business Requirement Gatherings as provided by the business. Now as a Funtional Consultant you need to always go for the BR – 100, that is set up document, so BR 100 is the To Be Process after you gather all sorts of info from the Biz and map in the Oracle systems

MD Documents : Modular Designing Documents, which are is primafaciely done by the Technical Persons of the Implementation Team like Technical Project Leads / Project Manager. These documents are the Design Documents, which is again based on the BR 120 – Business Requirement Gathering as provided by the business. These MD’s are of basically discussed any customization needs or any special behaviaour oracle system should work which is not the Standard Oracle Funtionality. These also discussed about the tables and the Interface Tables or forms which are going to be used in the particular modules. Thses also discussed about the High Level Designs like Flows of the Business and all. These MD’s are basically made after you all Functional Design and if there is no work around Oracle System provides for a particular Test Scenario and there is no other way other than to go for the Customization.

MD.70 is technical Document(Technical resource will design), which show all Technical Details like Coding, Maping and Logics.

MD.50 is Desgin Document(Functional resource will design), which explore all design methods like its road-map, which includes all design setups.

thanks – Shivmohan Purohit

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